BEP-20 Token Creation Form

BEP-20 Token Creation Form

Service Name/Description Fee (USDT) Select
Standard Smart Contract Creation (Base Fee) 650 Included
Anti-Sniping Function 50
Ownable Function 50
Airdrop Function 50
Minting Function 50
Burning Function 50
Updateable Contract Function 100
Whitelist Function 75
Token Listing on 500
Token Listing on Geckoterminal 500
Custom Website Development 2500
Logo Design 300
Whitepaper Creation 800
Total Payment (USDT): 650

Payment Instructions:

Admin Wallet Address: 0x2fd5b25889433219192Ad90656C4Fba1bFA7C1cD

Copy this wallet address and send the total payment (USDT) as displayed above.